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How To Get Reputation On RapPad

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Getting Reputation

Reputation is a way to recognize active members of the RapPad community. Almost everything you do on RapPad can earn you reputation. Be sure to check this list often, as it may change in the future.

All of the things below will give you reputation.

  • Support the site with RapPad PRO: +500
  • Give props to a rap: +1 (up to 5 times per day)
  • Receive props: +1
  • Win a battle: + all the votes the battle had when it ended
  • Participate in the Cypher: +25 (only if your entry has more than 5 props/votes)
  • Sign in with Facebook: +20 (works only once, and only if you have < 20 reputation)
  • Responding to a feedback request in your Feedback Inbox: +2

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