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RapPad PRO

By on · 28111 views

RapPad PRO can be purchased for a one time payment of $11.00 and gives you all the extra features below forever. It is also activated immediately.

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  • Remove ads on all pages.
  • Remove ads on your own raps and beats for all users (even if they don't have PRO).
  • Adds a RapPad PRO badge on your profile.
  • Ability to upload a cover-banner that appears on top of all of your raps and user profile. You can have this banner link anywhere, such as your Soundcloud profile.
  • +500 reputation which will unlock access to other features such as messaging on the forums, sending mass messages to followers, etc.

Ray Lucero Badge

NOTE: Buying RapPad Pro does not make you exempt from our Terms of Use or Community Guidelines.

Buy RapPad PRO >

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