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Lyrical Analysis of...

Let it go...

  1. Is it selfish to live for yourself
  2. to live for everyone else
  3. I mean
  4. one can not change what's been scene'd
  5. things we've done
  6. what's been lost an won
  7. can't go back or repeat, can't undo or redeem
  8. we make decisions based on seeds
  9. planted opinions and judgements it seems
  10. what about me
  11. what's inside these memories
  12. some times we do things in the moment
  13. mistake if it's mine, yeah I'll show up to own it
  14. but I won't grow it, won't pass onto an opponent
  15. just because I chose to reap
  16. don't mean I have to keep on sew'n it
  17. it's how we learn lessons
  18. how we pass when we're tested
  19. how we finish the line in the end roll'n credits
  20. you can't go rewind the captions to edit
  21. better hope you meant it all when you said it
  22. who knows someday you may end up to regret it
  24. we think as a child
  25. act wreckless and wild
  26. hurting on the inside forcing a smile
  27. telling folks we are o.k. but that's just a pile
  28. a dump of mess
  29. but just because I was weak once doesn't mean I'm worth less
  30. just means I use to not know how to handle the stress
  31. nevertheless
  32. I am now living my best
  33. use to be weak now I got armor to protect
  34. so
  35. I don't need your forgiveness I've forgiven me
  36. I'm the only one that's facts matter, so peace
  37. say what you want to but we all got dirt
  38. nothing you say or do could ever compare to that hurt
  39. so I'ma say this first
  40. for all ya'll out there ever made a mistake
  41. maybe about to make one, you already know the stakes
  42. remember to rake the leaves that you shake
  43. cuz
  44. they check your stats faster than the F.B.I.
  45. say it's not your business bro stay the fuck outta mine
  46. go so far back on one's time line
  47. all I can do is laugh as they pry
  48. such petty hater pricks
  49. these unsteady player clicks
  50. chasing all this tail but you really suck'n dick
  51. and
  52. if they wanna talk they ain't get'n nothing new
  53. that's why they drag up bags of bones
  54. cuz they deflecting off the view
  55. can't see what's the image when they see you in the rear
  56. cuz they vison's get distorted with every flaw that's ever appeared
  57. hypocrites
  58. got me on a rant again
  59. think'n all the roads I been
  60. link'n all my paths through them
  61. alot of pain is where that stems
  62. but under all that lay'd a gem




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