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  1. How to survive the end of the world by Razorback
  2. The sirens went off on a thursday afternoon, thirsty after doing thirty fucking
  3. shrews after which I took a trip with you as the violence and the gloom
  4. took a different view, dim like Mary Shelley Frankenstein touched down
  5. upon the moon, I took another glance and whisper passed me, like Job
  6. when he did bleed, scratching and thrashing around like an afghan about
  7. to be smashed by a broadside and captured but i'm here to tell you what
  8. not to do in the apocalypse when it comes for you. In the case of the zombies
  9. awakening often and all compton has fallen cause of creatures, don't take katana's
  10. they break like most objects, and like kimosabi they aren't good on laundry
  11. leave rips and cuts like shaving your mommy, bleed like a tommygun shot
  12. at the wrong teen when you meant to hit the target off to the side near the
  13. screen, I want you to know, unlike in TWD gasoline expires after a year
  14. don't trust tv, it'll kill you faster than a track from LMFAO or worse Nintendo
  15. degrading like crazy, like verbs in the care of Jay Z, maybe it'd be better to
  16. take a bike or something. Gunfire is plenty and ammo is hefty, the amount of bullets
  17. america has in inventory surpasses the books in the library, be weary as
  18. the shots attract the dead like death is attracted to sex in the woods during
  19. Jason Lives, I wonder if teens will be stupid and die or they'll win. Military soldiers
  20. take down droves amidst the wind but like raccoon city, they'll die in the end
  22. In the case of atomic bombs, don't look at the blast, you'll lose your shit
  23. go blind and end up bled, remember pripyat, reduced to a wasteland and
  24. animals adapted to it, so screw it, don't listen if you don't want to die
  25. I'm only trying to save a life, or save you from a vice or tiktok's new death
  26. dive, off one thousand and five miles in the sky because some chick
  27. across the sea tried to popularize but kids'll die cause trends are like
  28. fair weather friends, good for some days but they'll leave you for dead
  29. screaming with dread while mommy is crying and daddy is trying
  30. CPR to revive you again cause you stupid motherfuckers failed to listen to a
  31. friend, so ignore this if you wish, it's not my fault if you disappear from being ig
  32. no rant needed, i'll just end it here, you want to be a dipshit, perform that dare
  33. See how long it takes you to regret it with fear. I want you alive, no price
  34. is worth tears




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