Battles luketheundead vs Tewsly
Max of 63 lines
Tewsly won this battle!
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Battle on December 30 2024, Battle on January 26 2025, Battle on February 12 2025, and Battle on February 20 2025
- eh bro, you comin' at me with this niceness
- and yeah, i know your bars are priceless
- but there's only one thing i know how to do
- and that is to prove that i'm the nicest, battle heavy, hol' my ghun steady
- smoke my chronic until i forget
- what i was remembering
- demolition ready, i'm fly with artemis
- giving you the sun's messages, what time is it
- hard to say when the heart of the party beats it's ancient mating call
- rhythms
- so i keep it brazy
- scorpions inna duel watch for the sting, i was born in november
- india golf golf alpha whiskey hotel alpha tango
- out in these backwoods with tiger, out in this lifeboat with the tiger
- mac on dese heaux, talk to dese heaux
- what do you want to know, i'm all secrecy from secret service to the s,s,
- flex on the flesh, gold on my necc
- got a whole lotta product to protect,
- deep in the bacc country, mountains callin' my name
- it's still the muthafuccin' undead, my ghostwriter is the realest
- shakespeare on speed dial, i'm talkin' forbidden love
- capulets and romulans
- ancient lore like tolkien, talkin' elvish with my bitccchhh
- so much bread, we lembas bread we so rich
- fucc yo shit, i'm lighting up as soon as i walk up inside this shit
- summon the devil, the pentagram can succ my dicc
- get money
- fucc the systen
- break the law
- rip mac
- maccn onna bicch
- just so hood just so lit
- nothin left but to raise the roof and make room for the future where
- our best artists are safe and free from the pressures of race, genger and
- religion, allah jah, Buddha, we all chiefin' like eagles in the clouds
- .
- Skip-skip-skip-skip-skip, like killers SoundcCloud, how about we put the sound out
- Worse verse ever tick-tick-tick, found out he recorded his Ai raps on his brown cloud now
- That’s crazy, so amazing, that you have some type of aim on this like drizzy,
- Gain more weight for some deadweight flow, lift up the dead in a deadlift to his deceased
- Overreached on your power, so he thinks he’s super powered, but over powered, so now I gotta
- Send you downward, you don’t work for it man, you think everything is given to you man
- So let me break it down, to full of Ai lies spittin’ thinkin’ it’s the truth but
- These bars are going to go over your head, like saying the 18 year old found a roof over his head (Haha)
- Introduce sly’s run so now I gotta run over you like I’m Clifford,
- His world is still hurt and wants to burn loose but can’t because he’s strugglin’ with a noose
- So let me break him with my nuke and shoot the group that he came from because he’s gone
- Killer lost his X factor advisor so he wants to beg for it back like a good boy,
- Pure joy while he was playing with a handicapped man, so I gotta bring rap back man,
- ‘Cause he stands up like he’s that man but not Batman, braced himself for impact
- But the impact didn’t leave him intact, so I go through his backpack, find a nat1
- But it’s big enough to kill a gnat, where’s my napkin I already brought all the original shit back
- And I couldn’t tell you how much I’ve been itchin’ to attack and you let my fuse,
- So let’s use my tactical skills and get myself a kill and be thrilled that he screwed up on his hill
- The fuse was so big enough he forgot to leave out his box, so as long as the mother fucker talks
- I can go on the rate to kill him while he’s on his little own walk, man doesn’t understand he’s so sucked
- Into the god damn dark he wants to restart his little owned bark, but I’m going to barbecue that chance,
- So while he sits there and does a victory dance I’ll make him rethink about it again
- And reign his little crown that he believes that he has, and resign
- Some mcs that you think you’ve beaten along the way just to play
- A little rap simulator game, because he thinks he’s on mad verse city
- But with no beat he can’t drop a mic nor a beat to uphold his little dreams
- So watch him muffle his little terrible screams, streams on his YouTube channel
- Go down to dead last to end you beside P-
- Man stop you killed him already
- Oh, and I'm just playing killer, you know I don't want you to commit suicide