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SERPENTX won this battle!


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Battle on March 21 2024


  • Hook: Red alert Red alert we have a problem which means we have a code red I repeat
  • we have a code red there's a teacher's pet who i can't get rid of but i want to dumb motherfucking slut ho and the bitch Bitch
  • verse yea there's a teacher's pet who i can't get rid of but i want cause she causes me so much hell
  • and since she causes so much hell for me then well its time to cause some hell for her
  • so for the past 9 days I sent Emilia 2 messages and she didn't get back to me on text
  • but she did get back to me in irl and well basically i threatened her because she told me to turn down my
  • music with an attitude so i wrote her that thursday and i guess she read it friday and
  • on monday i was told not to talk to her now keep this in mind i was told NOT to talk to her
  • but she tried to talk to me anyway so im in art class and and she's in my art class and
  • im about to blast music in my ears and she said hey why did you threaten me and
  • i was like im not allowed to talk to you and she was like no why did you threaten me
  • and i was like ok you really wanna know why i threatened you and she was like yea and i was like
  • its because you told me to turn my music down now i let a lot of people tell me to turn my
  • music down and that is only because im cool with those people but with her were not cool
  • so then she says that she can hear my music a mile a way and she says no one wants to hear your garbage
  • music anyway and so i put my headphones on the table and said wait you say my music is garbage and
  • she was like yea and i was like ight you know how you sing sometimes and she was like yea and i was like
  • ok well ain't no one wanna hear you garbage sing anyway dumb motherfucking bitch


  • vote for this if you think serpent999 is butt

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