Battles  KillersNoMercy1 vs sethXspitter


No Rules

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sethXspitter won this battle!


  • Hey Dude Im doing this cause You Diss Tracked people i care about
  • so you asked for this. Dont go after Lil_BUNNY
  • (Verse 1)
  • You think you're tough, spitting rhymes like a pro
  • But all you do is talk, where's the talent, bro?
  • Your flow is weak, your lyrics are bland
  • You're just a wannabe in a one-man band
  • (Chorus)
  • SethTheSpitter, more like SethTheWhiffer
  • Your rhymes are garbage, they make me snicker
  • You're all bark and no bite, just a poser in the game
  • Step aside, little boy, and let the real artists claim their fame
  • (Verse 2)
  • You try to act hard, but we see right through
  • Your rhymes are basic, so stale and so blue
  • You can't compete with the best in the biz
  • You're just a joke, a lyrical quiz
  • (Bridge)
  • You think you're hot stuff, but you're just a fraud
  • Your rhymes are empty, they leave me bored
  • I'll take you down with just one verse
  • You're not a spitter, you're a lyrical stealer
  • (Chorus)
  • SethTheSpitter, more like SethTheShitter
  • Your bars are weak, they make me twitter
  • You're all talk and no game, just a sad little clown
  • Go back to the drawing board, before you get shut down
  • (Outro)
  • So take this diss track as a lesson, my friend
  • You're not a spitter, you're just a dead end
  • Step up your game or just bow out gracefully
  • SethTheSpitter, you ain't impressing me


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  • Yo, KillersNoMercy, you think you're the king?
  • But your rhymes are weak, can't even make 'em sing.
  • You talk big online, hiding behind your screen,
  • But in real life, you're just a sad, sorry fiend.
  • Your bars are trash, full of lies and deceit,
  • You're a fraud, a fake, a real deadbeat.
  • You claim you're tough, but you're nothing but a clown,
  • Your rap career's a joke, it's time to shut it down.
  • You diss others to feel big, to feel strong,
  • But deep down inside, you know you're wrong.
  • You're a wannabe gangsta, a poser at best,
  • A pathetic loser, failing life's test.
  • You think you're a player, but you're just a pawn,
  • In this game of life, you've already withdrawn.
  • You'll never be a legend, never be on top,
  • You're just a sad little man, your career will flop.
  • You're a disgrace to the game, a stain on the art,
  • Your rhymes are so bad, they tear us apart.
  • You're a joke, a meme, a laughingstock,
  • Your name's a punchline, like a ticking clock.
  • You think you're untouchable, but you're not immune,
  • To the truth that you're garbage, a lyrical goon.
  • You're a nobody, a zero, a nothing at all,
  • Your ego's inflated, but soon it will fall.
  • You're a clown in the circus of life, a sideshow act,
  • Your rhymes are so basic, they're a simple fact.
  • You're a wannabe rapper, a pretender to the throne,
  • But when it comes to skills, you're all alone.
  • You're a fake, a phony, a counterfeit claim,
  • Your rhymes are so weak, they're utterly lame.
  • You're a poser, a fraud, a charlatan's dream,
  • Your whole persona's as fake as it seems.
  • You think you're the king, but you're just a pawn,
  • In this game of life, you've already withdrawn.
  • You'll never be a legend, never reach the top,
  • You're just a pathetic loser, your career will flop.
  • You're a joke, a clown, a fool in disguise,
  • Your rhymes are so weak, they're a pack of lies.
  • You're a wannabe gangsta, a thug in your mind,
  • But in reality, you're just a waste of time.
  • You think you're a boss, but you're really a joke,
  • Your rhymes are so bad, they make people choke.
  • You're a wannabe rapper, a fraud in the game,
  • Your whole persona's as fake as your name.
  • You're a zero, a nobody, a loser at best,
  • Your rhymes are so weak, they fail the test.
  • You' think ur cool all u do is
  • drool
  • swim in the pool
  • ur not cool
  • shut up little bitch
  • SethTheSpitter here to deliver out

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...