No Lives Matter

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Not a single life has mattered since the day ones.
We do bad, we do good, so what's your problem?
Fuck your life if you are rich, fuck your life if you are poor.
Fuck your life if you got privilege which for real no one's got.
This social media stuff has really fucked us up.
Post a black square on Instagram which is racist in itself.
Just because you hashtag BLM, have you done your part?
Just because you have a gay friend, is it okay to fap to lesbians?
[Verse 1]
Yes, racism does exist, but you haven't done shit.
Is it because you're sick or a little bitch?
Equality is important but why throw a statue?
Well, that's not peaceful protesting, you deserve to go to jail.
I may come off as the worst, but I am a sweet guy.
The only problem is you act a savior but you haven't fought for their life.
If I wake up and see you hurt, I'd think karma did you well.
In the end, everyone's human and we do bad shit ourselves.
Killer of the people, killer of the killer.
Killer of the children, children of the killer.
We only care about ourselves, not each other.
If we knew what was happening, we would be sympathetic.
Not a single life has mattered since the day ones.
We do bad, we do good, so what's your problem?
Fuck your life if you are rich, fuck your life if you are poor.
Fuck your life if you got privilege which for real no one's got.
This social media stuff has really fucked us up.
Post a black square on Instagram which is racist in itself.
Just because you hashtag BLM, have you done your part?
Just because you have a gay friend, is it okay to shit talk lesbians?
[Verse 2]
Male privilege is a lie, we don't have it easy.
We're being told to be the man of our fucking family.
You women always say you aren't safe in the night.
Are you actually dumb; no one's safe in the motherfucking night.
I carry sins on my back, I have hurt people and I regret that.
You think you're edgy saying the N-word like every troll that has a Twitter.
"Kill yourself, faggot, God, you're so gay. Retarded dickhead, I'll rape your face."
If video games corrupt our children, then why do you let them watch YouTubers cussing?
Are you stupid?
I know you're just human.
But fuck, if you're a folk, you gots to have some intelligence.
Not a single life has mattered since the day ones.
We do bad, we do good, so what's your problem?
Fuck your life if you are rich, fuck your life if you are poor.
Fuck your life if you got privilege which for real no one's got.
This social media stuff has really fucked us up.
Post a black square on Instagram which is racist in itself.
Just because you hashtag BLM, have you done your part?
Just because you have a gay friend, is it okay to fap to lesbians?

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Member since April 17 2018

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