Bad Times By Len

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0×0=My Life Now Have Nobody To Talk To To
Now Because I'm Sad Nobody Likes Me
Just talk to me in lonely.Have 2 friends but
Online don't know them.I think so I'm not
Going to go past 20 years old because my life
Sucks don't care about anything because nobody
Cares about sucks it's true it's depressing
(I know)
Stuck in death 4 months away from my dad's death now
Hoping that the day will come that I'll confess my
Deepest secrets.Dont know when It will come but
I must confess them because the bad times are coming
I know you know that it's true the gods are waiting on me
But I don't know when its going to happen
But I hope it's soon..
As the days go pass I get weaker everyone gets stronger
I'm so sad don't know what to do should i get help?
Or just end it right here? I don't know I don't know I don't know anymore
Please help me I have some friends but don't want to them there online
Never met don't know anymore
Stuck in death 4 months away from my dad's death now
Hoping that the day will come that I'll confess my
Deepest secrets.Dont know when It will come but
I must confess them because the bad times are coming
I know you know that it's true the gods are waiting on me
But I don't know when its going to happen
But I hope it's soon...
Ohh..I'm sad right now oh really sad
Please help me please
O'god I really need help please
I'm begging you please
Please please God...
Oh yeah
Its true oh
Its true
I'm not joking

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About the Artist

Member since December 16 2019

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