Conversation with demons

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ME:On the couch eyses closed only one at the house.
Its quiet, to quiet I even hear Frank
my uninvited residential rodent tenant
has a new diet
i think its my wall.
Im waiting on them to call.
wonder if shell let my kids talk.
im starting to squall.
now I'm getting pissed staring at my phone
it's 10 minutes past when she said they would call
so hot now the top of my ear feel raw
at the point where I'm just ready to brawl.
man you got to stop shell just call the cops
every time you raise your voice
you know this homeboy
this isn't the first time she played you
like a toy you know the ending to the story
so calm down Play Your Part.
maybe then you can get the kids this weekend.
they are the reason you live remember this.
dont be stupid and jeprodize this.
yeah sucks ya crazy baby momma is a bitch.
but so is life. and guess what both you chose.
thats right its your fault i said it. Its all your fault.
Your my demon screamin from the darkest creases
of my inner reaches and you're taking her side
fuk it I guess it's the truth I'm the reason
she slept with all them other dudes and play me like a fool
used me for her tool to fight her battles
cause she was the queen of my castle.
Till i found out she kept the main gate open
while i was out getting the gold for the castle to function.
so while I was out trying to provide for her the prince and princess.
she was in our chamber lifting your dress for every
Knight jester and Squier to divide her fat lower lips.
how was I supposed to come to grips with this,
I know a lot of motherfukers caught the wrath filled hatred,
where I would use words and swords and fist
to cope with the sad hand i was delt.
I could have voted and left the table. nah you woulnt have been able.
2 of ya closest people did that. ya mom folded 23 years ago forgive her yet.
no is my bet. have i been wrong yet. your cousin dipped next,
and now you'll always live with regret. You and ya best friend was beef in at the end.
He didn't say bye before he split, im slipped. Could have been an accident.
Either way you won't ever hear his laugh again.
stop i just want my head quiet. the quiet is how im able to speak again.
you reall want more of that. im all for it.
I seriously doubt you decide to fold but if you do I got the pistol for you to hold
get out of here with that b******* promise my kids to see me old.
you need to take a step back and remember that you're here as a renter
I'm the investor and deed holder I can evict at a moment's notice
you should know this and grow no bolder that was the line you just crossed over.
okay my bad so whats option number 2 being her b**** doing everything she slightly suggest
so you might get to see your kids, let's see what the option gets.
First youll slowly loose all self respect from the constant daily barage from her daily abuse.
You know the tactics she uses, you cant co back down that it almost killed
you last time and you did everything perfect.
When all that's gone people will now see you as a door mat to walk and whipe thier feet on.
No one will stand for someone not able to stand for themselves.
to even think that possible would make your mind simple.
So now we know #2 wont make but this one ripple..... to be continued

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Member since November 8 2018

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