
• Written by 

GodsNotDead2902's Notes

Start reading the lyrics at (0:14) at a slow pace, then stop at end of 3rd paragraph, then start reading the lyrics again at (0:42). I hope this song really helps you to know who you are. You are PERFECT just the way you are. Never change anything about yourself just to make someone like you or want to be friends with you. A TRUE friend will want to be your friend no matter what you look like and no matter how you act!
P.S. Please post any comments you have on how I can make this better or any changes that I should make to it on my wall on my public profile.

I wish I was prettier
I wish I was more athletic
These are some of the things that other people say
These are some of the things we say
These are some of the things that we wish we were
These are all just lies
The devil is trying to put you down
Don't listen to the lies
There is someone who always loves you
He died for you
His name is Jesus
Jesus loves you for who you are
He made you who He wants you to be
Now you can show everyone who He made you to be
To put the devil in his place
You need to tell the devil. . .
I am pretty
I am strong
I am brave
I am fast
I am very athletic
I am skinny
I am loved
Now I can say this
I am. . . perfect the way I am

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Member since April 24 2017

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