Asian stereotype

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something I been addressing and want to continue to address
the discrimination of asians, my people
ridiculous, wrongful, deadly
look, stereotype is ridiculous
worst way to paint a picture
my so called friends wanted to be da vinci so they painted a picture
accusing us chinese of believing in communism
ridiculous, nonsense, evil
I wonder why we chinese people are always the one being labelled
being marked like we the greatest, true problems lies being labelled the goat
depends on how you look at it
math 99 don't mean shit
getting good grades don't mean we are perfect
having certain issues, talking to people, face hate and contempt
they don't know
but ima explain and tell you so you know
everyday is a struggle, discrimination is the worst
the ones we face can be both subtle and obvious
people judge us cuz they fear us
2nd in GDP in the world? that's why they hate us
basically, I am suffering from success
if you don't know, now you know
everyone's life is different, can't and won't judge
however, though, remember we asians experience more than anyone in shorter
how come a white man can get away with murder,
but we chinese can't get away with just saying a word
I wonder, I ponder, I think
still can't understand why
getting a sense of idea though
people can't really explain why
when we talk shit to whites, they act so defensive
when they talk shit to us, we respond, they claim us to be aggressive
passive aggressive, that's what many think we should respond
nah. we ain't robots, we human, we have emotions too
so yeah!!

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Member since November 6 2015

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