Reasons. (Preview)

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I do this for my sons.
Every day struggling to find the funds.
Coward men get scared and run.
They was down for fucking cause it was fun.
used you
abused you
and mentally bruised you.
Look deep and see the passion in my eyes
i can see all you've ever heard is lies
i promise this is a new man this time
no roller coaster of emotions just a steady climb
Me and you in our prime
no tears no fears
Words Pierce like Ancient Spears.
Our love is a battlefield, where the smoke never clears
running around crazy delirious
why are you so mysterious
have you heard of angels fighting demons for us live another day?
what would they say.
come with me and see the light
or stay and fight.
Fight or flight
the futures bright
dreams in sight
just when the times right
Tell me i cant do it
Accomplish nothing and sumbit?

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Member since March 28 2017

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