Her Magistracy.

• Written by Anonymous

Collect hearts in a jar filled with thick tar keeping protestant to complement,
exhibit floating consistent in the rhythm, have a quick listen, poets vision.
Notice how i flow along it so arisen... Bottle the throttle, quick driven
by my insanity's capacity striven from an unhappy sick reality family.
It's sad to see, it's mad to me that it's a casually happening tragedy,
that's the opacity of mass gravity, drastically canvassing anarchy.
Allergy maddening flattery as they all stood in the gallery for a salary,
plastic factory, require batteries for a mechanically beating fantasy.
It's sad to see, it's mad to me that it's leeching from the faulty of 'sanity',
rules are unsatisfactory, i like showing my dick to "her magistracy!"
She's always so glad to see, waving happily. As she gradually passes by,
I wave my dick left to right, indicating "HI"... "Bye" as the guards come by.
Just popping by, for an unexpected dick drive-by, i hope you don't mind
if i swing by vine, Tarzan style, surprise! Why the fuck did you hide?

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