No Stressing

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Wish I didn't have to stress over life every day
Like if I was done I'd just say, alright I'm going away
And if you felt the same you could just come my way
And we could be gone from this April to next May
I'm not saying I have it bad, everyone needs a breather
Before we start losing our minds, having strong hate fever
Start attacking things with a sharp meat cleaver
A break could turn a killer, back into a basket weaver
A long walk on the beach, and maybe build a sand castle
Could turn a long hustle into much less of a hassle
People acting so hostile when they need to be bashful
Let's stop to smell the flowers, start being thankful
Because it could be worse, you couldn't have anyone
Have to rob people with the fear of a painted water gun
You could be getting shunned and can't tell anyone
You could have life for something you have never done.
I've been stressing for a bit, and maybe you have too.
So let's slow down for a bit, go out to a zoo
Let's buy a dog and start feeling old when it grew.
Let's start a crew, lead a rebellion, make it through.
Let's feed a homeless man and his family.
Let's not just stop. happy ain't just for you and me.
Let's teach a little black kid to be the next Bruce Lee
Let's raise a colony of bees and get free honey.
The point is we all need a break, let's not all stress
Because at the end of the day, life ain't such a mess
You feel like your stuck down with a weight on your chest?
Just remember, start with yourself, then let's help the rest.

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About the Artist

Member since May 7 2015

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