Climb Abroad

• Written by Anonymous

Climb abroad, if you can afford the endorsement
i force on you until it seeps out of your pores.
PAUSE the tape, we're taking a break to contemplate
how i feel about you as a mate.
FAKE! Slither like snakes,
which we must isolate,
propagate, and infiltrate to eradicate the stains, pains,
degraded veins burst like grenades,
take cover behind a barricade.
I feel betrayed, played but don't underestimate my cape.
Overlaying your face, in rage to suffocate
you until you faint.
It's as simple as
knocking on my door, i demand that you applaud
for the slippers i adore.
So cute... fluffy and blue,
must i compute with the words that you confuse?
it's true... I'm new the game, not as good as all of you
but progression is all about the movement,
change and the demand of improvement,
it's fluent, my rhymes flow like liquid gold,
downriver into a mold, till I turn cold and I am
sold to the highest bidder, to deliver and become the victor
This industry is getting shitter and shitter,
soaked in paint thinner, thinner than most anorexic
fuckers who need to be force fed dinner.
If i poked you with a pin would you feel it?
What if i pulled back your face with a skillet?
and caused a crack when i hit it,
or compressed your spine until your as miniature as midget,
disfigure you until you resembled a numeral digit
then submitted you into an exhibit.
So the gimmicks can diminish your glowing finish,
cause you're considered minish.
We all mingle to jingle ring-a-ding-dop wheres the mob?
i flop, to scrubbdy-dub 'n' clean up the blood smudge,
i caused from fucking you up the ass
with a shard of glass.

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