APTTMH (The RETURN of Mr. Clean)

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Mr_BlizZaK's Notes

wHEN you're IN The Spirit.......you won't even WANT to pursue the desires of the Flesh!

It only took.....7 Days
I changed my Ways
I prayed for Days
it didnt take 3 years
or 3 months...it only took 7 Days!
i refused to walk around
the town inna frown
or walk around like a mfing feen
inna Daze!
I thought it was gonna take me 3 months!
But it didnt take 3 months
It only took 7 Days
i resolved to change my Ways
i prayed and i prayed and prayed....
I prayed for weeks and i prayed for Days
No! It didn't take 3 years ....or 3 months....
it only took 7 Days
I repented of my Ways
I stopped getting High....
Instead,......i acknowledged The Most High....
in ALL of My Ways!
So, now....that's how i gets High
raising up and rising up like an Eagle
i can Fly!
I confronted my Fears
and I conquered my Fears
I didnt shed no Tears
Shit didn't take me Years
or 3 months... it only took 7 Days!
Right now........I'm Clean as Shit!
You can call me Mr. Clean!
Awwwww, Shit!
and i didnt smoke the Weed Indeed!
I just PRAYED....and i changed my Ways.

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Member since February 23 2023

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