Wanabe Woes (Lil Mabu Diss)

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(Verse 1)
Yo, it's Big Will, gotta lay it down,
Lil-Mabu's act, it's just a clown.
Thinks he's hood, but he's soft as butter,
His game's weak, like a mutter.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, who do you think you are?
Trying so hard, but you ain't got the scars.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, you're just a wannabe,
In this rap game, you can't hang with me.
(Verse 2)
Bars so lame, they put me to sleep,
Lil RT, his streams you wanna keep.
Born in 2014, you're riding his wave,
But without him, you're just a slave.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, who do you think you are?
Trying so hard, but you ain't got the scars.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, you're just a wannabe,
In this rap game, you can't hang with me.
(Verse 3)
College boy, swearing like a fool,
Claiming street cred, but you're in school.
White toilet plumb, that's your style,
But in the hood, you ain't got no file.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, who do you think you are?
Trying so hard, but you ain't got the scars.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, you're just a wannabe,
In this rap game, you can't hang with me.
Listen up, Lil-Mabu, it's time to face the facts,
Your rap career's running on some faulty tracks.
Before you get crushed under the weight of your lies,
Better step back, open your eyes.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, who do you think you are?
Trying so hard, but you ain't got the scars.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, you're just a wannabe,
In this rap game, you can't hang with me.
(Verse 4)
You're a joke, a fraud, from head to toe,
No street cred, just a show.
Throwing boogie bombs, popping mini's,
But when it comes to bars, you're just a teeny.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, who do you think you are?
Trying so hard, but you ain't got the scars.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, you're just a wannabe,
In this rap game, you can't hang with me.
(Verse 5)
Big Will's spoken, now hear my decree,
Lil-Mabu, it's time to flee.
Your game's up, it's time to bail,
Your emo, zesty hair can't save you from this hell.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, who do you think you are?
Trying so hard, but you ain't got the scars.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, you're just a wannabe,
In this rap game, you can't hang with me.
So here's the end, Lil-Mabu, take a seat,
Your fake gangster dreams, they're obsolete.
Big Will's shutting you down, no more to say,
Just fade away, Lil-Mabu, fade away.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, who do you think you are?
Trying so hard, but you ain't got the scars.
Lil-Mabu, Lil-Mabu, you're just a wannabe,
In this rap game, you can't hang with me.

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Member since April 22 2024

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