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(Verse 1)
In this anime realm, where the dreams ignite,
Characters with powers, ready to fight.
From the shadows they emerge, to the stars they aspire,
In each unfolding tale, the stakes grow higher.
Anime beats, in my vivid dreams,
A world of wonder, or so it seems.
The narrative unfolds, with heroes and foes,
In this paper universe, where anything goes.
(Verse 2)
From ninja clans to futuristic machines,
Every storyline woven with intricate scenes.
With hearts ablaze and minds so keen,
In this anime world, we're living the dream.
Anime beats, in my vivid dreams,
A world of wonder, or so it seems.
The narrative unfolds, with heroes and foes,
In this paper universe, where anything goes.
So grab your pen, or summon your might,
In this anime world, the battles are bright.
Face each challenge, with courage and might,
In this world of anime, where wrong battles right.
Anime beats, in my vivid dreams,
A world of wonder, or so it seems.
The narrative unfolds, with heroes and foes,
In this paper universe, where anything goes.

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About the Artist

Member since April 15 2024

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