iStream36- TX vs NY ft. UnDead

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Smoke all that pot. Legalized in NYC. Titanic sink by ice.
Prisoners in cell box. Breaking crimes in blocks. Ghosts in City, they get busted.
City's overrated. TMNT fight Kraang, Giant clouds in dark sky.
Big cloud over skyscraper It's all that. I will take over. Overwrite that.
Write with UnDead kill the city. Zombies roam it all now.
In Texas, a writer puts NYC in it's place. Nothing new for it. Make it a dead
space. In it humanity has no trace. Try to survive with Turned and ghosts.
One lives others busted. Crime rates so high. Years from now water is that,
putting it underwater. Take that. You can't see that but it's right. Not surprised
Kevin Mcallester's lost in it. Sharknado really Screw that.
It's like batman try to be alone.
It's known for pizza and hot dogs. That's everywhere though
Filled with bad guys and homeless.
Big Apple Noo, Try the state of Chicken. Kentucky.
Take on Texas home of BBQ, second thing's our cannon. Come on.
Come on. "Come and take it!"
Smoke all that pot. Legalized in NYC. Titanic sink by ice.
Prisoners in cell box. Breaking crimes in blocks. Ghosts in City, they get busted.
City's overrated. TMNT fight Kraang, Giant clouds in dark sky.
Big cloud over skyscraper It's all that. I will take over. Overwrite that.
Write with UnDead kill the city. Zombies roam it all now.
Screw that. Kill that. What's with this city? I don't know that. Ocercrowded
give China's term of kids. One child only. So many shows with NYPD.
Then Hulu's Only Murder's in building. Ney York bad as raw pork.
Sickening and suffering. Still stuck in Great Depression. Not ready for the
next Recession. Big Apple Kinda misleading The iphone is that Big.
Wait it's called iSucks.
Black Friday, think about that. What about all mess? It's like AstroWorld.
That's so sad. Ban Black Friday. Traffic stops cars all gas. Pollution to all.
So many stray dogs and cats. Think you so massive who's the Biggest state
and not city. That's Texas.
Smoke all that pot. Legalized in NYC. Titanic sink by ice.
Prisoners in cell box. Breaking crimes in blocks. Ghosts in City, they get busted.
City's overrated. TMNT fight Kraang, Giant clouds in dark sky.
Big cloud over skyscraper It's all that. I will take over. Overwrite that.
Write with UnDead kill the city.

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Member since November 17 2020

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