Pretty Girls

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Sader's Notes

This is for all my girls out there, remember that the looks don't matter; its what you hold inside. and if a guy can't see that then fuck them yk they don't deserve you or your time. Remember to always look in the mirror and say ¨Im worth it, Im enough¨ because you deserve the world, not a guy that cant see your true beauty, I see your true beauty other girls out there see your true beauty. remember your true value in life, you're worth way more than you think. And don't forget that I love you no matter what and no matter who you are

Do you not like what you see? I'm being me
Love at first sight you said ¨I drove you crazy¨
What changed about me, was it my looks?
Why can't I have a happy ending like inside of the books?
Pretty girls seem to excite every guy out there
If they aren't pretty they leave just out of nowhere
Making girls think, was I not enough?
And then the guys play it if like they were the victim
If you're a pretty girl, guys don't sit around
They go up to you, feeling so aroused
Thinking you're ¨the one¨ , without a doubt
Maybe they are with you, just for the clout
I'm tired of people not looking at my personality
Caring about my looks even if I look pretty
Wanting me to show my face why does it even matter
My personality makes them all fall for me even faster
If you think you aren't pretty you deserve the whole world
Yeah you heard me right that's what all of you have earned
Keep looking in the mirror and saying Im worth it
And then tell them guys that i'm done with all of your bullshit
Take all of your confidence and throw it at their face
Keep it in your mind that in my eyes you're always in first place
If you can't find someone to love just know that I love you
Doesn't matter if you are my enemy it doesn't matter who
I don't care if you are pretty if you think you don't look good
I will make you feel worth it yea every chance I would
Keep believing in yourself know your true value in life
Always remember I'm here to hear all of your cries
Don't be afraid to speak out your truth
I'm here to listen I will be there to prove
That the looks dont matter its what you hold inside
You're perfect in every way not even I can describe
Don't let guys treat you like you're nothing
Ignore all of the negativity because to me you're something
Dont think youre not enough because a guy broke your heart
Because even if you don't see i've been with you from the start
Fuck all of them dudes that make you feel less
They aren't worth your time they aren't worth the stress
I know sometimes you feel like you wanna cry
Let it all out don't be afraid yea dont be shy
Pretty girls are you listening cuz this was about you
Even for me I just wanted to let you know from the other point of view
That to watch out for the guys that are a player
Only caring for the looks its just in there nature

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Member since February 22 2021

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