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Lyrical Analysis of...

u & i

  2. you and i never see eye to eye, less its when you cry, am i blind, or do you get arise,
  3. out of my attention, cause your left with, no other choice, nice feelin, im reelin,
  4. for a second, fore perspective, gets a hold, and my role, is made clear,
  5. that why I never stay near, less im on my eighth beer, im an afraid and weird, kid,
  6. when it comes to holding people and shit, cause..cause..
  9. i dont know how to cope with the idea of just sex, afterwards I cant remain a friend,
  10. or even an acquaintance, your precense would be tainted, is that cause i remain in,
  11. a delusion that sex is so important, when others are keepin score of it,
  12. why am i at war with this, is it because of whats at the bottom of my storage bin?
  13. what ill never acknowledge, another skeleton in the closet,
  14. that makes me feel wrong with, any choice i make with sexual shit,
  15. call me a sedimental bitch, if i could for her i would have said to mental, its,
  16. not cause of you, id fuck the truth out of you, if i had a stable relationship angle,
  17. but right now lifes painful, so focus on your main bull,




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