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Lyrical Analysis of...


  1. so many deaths today on the news
  2. so many deaths yesterday
  3. so many deaths in texas
  4. so many deaths in florida
  5. so many deaths in virginia illinois and california
  6. bodies lying on the floor
  7. bodies shoot by the door
  8. bodies hitting the floor
  9. people dying in their homes
  10. people dying in their friends homes
  11. people dying everywhere
  12. 1 year old 2 year old 3 year old 4 year old
  13. 5 year old 6 year old 7 year old 8 year old
  14. 9 year old 10 year old
  15. doesn't matter how old this will never get old
  16. it's a sad life sometimes that's what people look at
  17. maybe we need to switch are minds and pay attention to the posotive
  18. stray away from the shade that is where the devils at
  19. give me a bat and a ball and i can have fun and keep my mind off
  20. the mud more eyes on the water




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