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muttering sleep

  1. in the night I hear you talk~muttering about someone that’s not me~you see~figured out you cheat.. by your mumbling in your dreams.
  2. I woke up this morning to your uttering his name~it was a moment to complain about~get to the bottom of what your stating~But instead I waited to here for more sayings~
  3. Mmmm Tony where you at?!~I shuttered hearing that. But the truth is more whack you been having an affair since we met. im uspsetIt’s fully boloney hearing his name... it’s quite annoying.. its intense.I shake your ass up and ask you hows it goin~is this for real or not. you kiss me on my head and deny any adultery plot.. but I know you know~any affair you in~is gotta hot! in sin..gotta be droppin in~fucking nonstop till when..its time to sneak out~
  4. im coming~from home from work~and you cover up your sins~taking control sexually in the laundromate.. public sex~But what can I do~what can I say~in my mind your jaded~stop rubbing my neck~rabbing my dick~ you violated my trust~so quick~in a major leaugue way~I treated you well~with grace~like you were my baby~I would run base to base~home run every night~Never Lazy. but when you sleep at night..the demons come alive.. it’s quite’s like a nightmare this time~its quite this unconscious world~knowing in her dreams this Tony~who is at it emotionally with my girl~nocturnal streams of secretion~i can feel your panties wet~I close my eyes pretend it’s all just a dream~and i take a deep breathe~ what your doing to me's crazy~is straight up obscene.i cant call you baby girl~when your acting like a feind when things are so destracting~and theres nothing left to bring~she denied everything~the affair with this tony~didnt say a word~shes full of baloney~The next day I become a private eye~shit cuz i know this shit aint phony~ im paranoid like a criminal mind~looking behind my shoulders~asking why.I bugged your phone like a dick and put some cameras in the sky~and followed you too~till the guy showed up and I saw his eyes~they were blue He was looking at you seductivly~ nothing more than that~but you took your affair serious~cuz then you removed your hat~its true you removed your blouse and removed your pants~spead your legs opened your gap.totally exposed to this son of a bitch bastard of a man~damn im such a fool He knows about me yeah he knows about us~What a tool~doesn’t seem to cause him any alarm or any fuss... I was schooled. Cuz he’s a snake slithering to you~your Eve~and hes tempting you with the forbidden tree~while we on the subject of prophesies~and religious themes~Just remember whose your Adam~and who is the snake~and who is Eve. i think its time to strangle tony and knock the living piss outta he. Don’t give me that shit you made a mistake~Weee! cuz it’s too late~I ate the fruit~my stomach aches. Sheet, Now we’re banished out the garden of truth. and its Stanks! you lied to me.. your lies so shitty... the air smells like rotten eggs.. its rank!Gods starring down at ya~giving no pity~don’t you have no shame? I’m aware now fully~don’t you have anything to say.. ugh this fruit taste like betrayal~i chuck it right away~been usedIt’s all because of you~feeling so sad and diffused.Now Im mad and confused you went away now my life is filled with rainy days and abuse~I loved you so so much~but you’ll never ever know~was gonna pop that big question~till the night you went to bed~got vocal~you took your heart away from me~shoo shoo shoo. its loco. Damn now what’s for us to do~fact I’m feeling so naked and ashamed of the truth. realitys whack Walking with you out the gates~like assholes god sent a couple angles with swords to make examples~got them angel guards starring shaking there heads~Yeah I ate your fruit when you said wed live forever~but were dead~its was pure rotten~the taste to me~its like you feeding me lies~honestly fuck your dishonesty~has caused my temperature to rise to one oh three. I felt rage and disbelief.. there’s only one thing to do. like in biblical times we transformed into our spawns~ I became Kane~Tony became Abel~He’s not my brother~but well be just fine.~and it is time.. to find this enemy of mine~ill catch him at when hes alone~It’s a fight to the death with fuckin sticks and stones~Too bad I left my 44 pistol at home~One whack to the skull with a rock solidly round~what a sound destroyed this niggers face cracked skull~it was quite loud.yeah ya know you could hear this battle for miles~Now I look at this brother on the ground fuckin destroyed fetal position like a child and wonder if it’s him I shoulda attacked...she was the one that toyed with my emotions and with trust she slacked~my jealousy comes without check Niggers get lied to by bitches all the time~its a stone cold real as this stone cold whack.. fuckin tony what a waste~I turn to the side victorious~you got a smile on your stupid face~you enjoyed the fight ay?~didn’t stop one swing~Now I’m a murderer~doomed to eternal hell~and boy its gonna sting.police everywhere~tried to call it self defense~but i went overboard~now im going to the pen~I’m going to the slammer~murderer 'so violent' judge takes a stand~i sentence you to life~baliff please reprimand~so~im thrown In jail.. and i developed a stammer.then you slut it up~off to races without any care~hitting on niggers at the club like you's a hammer. drinking shots paid for by from generic thugs. shoulda known you's a bitch with no empathy to spare~I’m doing life now.. haven’t seen you in some time.. totally go~enemy visitations are over..cant hit rewind~can’t turn back time like doctor brown~I heard you got a new nigga now~a sugar daddy shoping spree downtown I heard it through these bars~my cell mate Aussie...heards you get around~I heard your dating a musician~do you like his sound? fuckin acoustic guitar~chord strumming~singing out loud! singing you songs about love and shit~I hear he wears a crown. like you can comprehend that~naw fuck this niggas a clown~How sweet an artists in your life right now~so sensitive and sincere~your giggling at the concert bar~not a thought in ya head and no fear~no guilt and its clear~I’m doing LIFE~stuck in prison here~Officers rotating shifts~wont let me shave my beard~no razors here~ i hear that acoustic strumming in my ear~as i sleep in this cell~haunting sounds~in my mind~echoing through this hell~Its the Devil working me on this block~one eye open got some fears~that will never stop. because I got no hope of getting outta this place alive..and back on top.your pussy wasn’t worth it~not even the taste~but yeah not worth the nut~because of your sexiness.. im stuck in this box.. Like a Castrated Ox.. im fucked in this place~if I ever appeal~this fucked up case~and get released~ill be in haste mode~a Vampire~I’m coming for ya blood~Flying and shit~to make up for the blow~and shake you down~your gonna pay for it. You brought out the mid evil yah you brought out the rage a saurus~But~no matter for you~cuz im fuckin stuck in this cage~Bored and Stiff~I heard you adore him. Like a child whines~I obssess about snapping his spine. But until that day~just reminisce about the times~when you didn’t cheat which were limited, scarce and drenched in lies. jealousy wasnt present~until I found out your true crimes..See I’ll never get parole you escaped my grasp and hate~hard time maybe you’ll do the same for the next nigga~Same Kind~an unexpecting date~you'll go out on him too~a Slut till the end of time.
  5. and I’ll just end this cuz im in here wasting away. orange jump suit~green jello~unsafe every which way~Im just waiting for the day~ I get jumped by the mother fuckin aryan race and That’s life~shes unforgivable~thats life~shes unforgivable. thats life~his life is unlivable thats life~its unforgivablethats life~im drowing in sin ya know~thats life~and when the end comes..hopefully
  6. we can heat shit up in hell cuz we both done wrong~thats life~or death we talking~my life exists of being locked in.. and thats life.




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