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Lyrical Analysis of...

let it fall

  1. have ya ever loved someone so much then they just leave
  2. this is probably what it feels like... just tell me
  3. so i thought i had shorty gave her all my money even called her lil honey
  4. bought her all that damn jewelry seemed liked we'd be together way past
  5. forty but nah she left me in the ditch should've know i was goin out with a
  6. bitch when i tried to get her out of my mind and some how she still got in
  7. all the damn time she still reflects in this heart of mine but just
  8. let it fall,let it go just put it behind
  9. ya im one of a kind and i fucked with u should've listen to my mind
  10. her the sweaters sent her the letters be forever till we elders
  11. and i want something back not jewelry but that heart that you stole
  12. man that shit got old cant have it forever you gold digger
  13. cause this pill is bitter.
  14. just let it fall let it go just put it behind.
  15. a slut is probably the best way you will be defined
  16. bitch i don't see how some one can love you now
  17. don't try to make me feel bad with that frown if i had it my way u would
  18. be 6 foot in the ground u like that sound, you'd never be found and bitch
  19. i would be proud.
  20. now ill let it fall i let i go and its so far behind.




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