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  1. we're here to
  2. have fun in a
  3. good time to
  4. play a game
  5. guess you're
  6. playing when
  7. I always been
  8. so free to go
  9. that's why we
  10. are together now
  11. you'll see who's
  12. gotta find a way
  13. just be yourself
  14. i see when the
  15. time was frozen
  16. too reason with
  17. the same best
  18. friends forever
  19. I mean forever
  20. so we are together
  21. just be yourself today
  22. mind if i had to win
  23. the race for you will
  24. never know the way
  25. or if the day has been
  26. so brave all along




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A blueprint is like a report card for your lyrics. It contains a lyrical breakdown and analysis of all the words, syllables, and rhymes in your song.

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