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Lyrical Analysis of...

Synthetic Bitch

  1. Light skin, 5'8 little man coming to get it
  2. weighing a buck 72 chugging 100% proof,
  3. running loose with gaks in my boots, so set it
  4. and you'll regret it
  5. just remember if your breathing
  6. its only cause i let it,
  7. pain, i bled it.
  8. war, i shed it
  9. cause the skill and techniques are embedded
  10. deeply within me so i'll never forget it.
  11. your benief me
  12. and can only win if i let it
  13. i get it
  14. your pathetic
  15. the type to still talk shit as your carried off by the paramedics
  16. claiming your real when your nothing but synthetic
  17. coming to a rap battle acting all poetic
  18. as if any of us are sympathetic enough to give your ass any credit.
  19. your a child who's been neglected and sounding nothing but desperate
  20. when your nothing but a wannabe rapper on RapPad who's gotten rejected.
  21. just as expected, challenge accepted
  22. good thing i'm very well protected
  23. because your nothing but a pussy who's gotten infected
  24. I said it,
  25. it's just a shame you cant aim but im still happy you came
  26. Dustinsane're nothing but another win to gain
  27. I know it comes naturally without any strain
  28. but the only shit your dropping is the shit stains in your hanes
  29. and you only have yourself to blame for placing yourself to shame
  30. against the untamed, Storm The Arsonist, Bitch, .....
  31. remember the name,........................................ if not, i'll be happy to explain!




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