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Lyrical Analysis of...

B Kind

  1. Be there for people like you wish somebody would be there for you //
  2. See each single person like you wish everybody would see you //
  4. Kindness is a crayon, worldwide spreads our canvas //
  5. Colour with it everywhere, see real beauty after enlightening blackness //
  6. Challenge came to shift an enormous mountain to earn billion gold coins //
  7. Everyone rushed there and started pushing hard for like weeks and months //
  8. There passes a kid who sits aside and starts thinking //
  9. Staring mountain like Sherlock Holmes while others were busy pushing //
  10. Help people see the beauty that’s within them and others //
  11. Help them see amazing potential they have to evolve this world //
  12. Even through simple yet powerful act of kindness //
  13. Empower and acknowledge them that each person is significant //
  14. You’re prerequisite then even though one in 7 billion //
  15. Imagine completing puzzle with one piece missing in 7 billion //
  16. Efforts will go in vain and beautiful puzzle won’t be framed //
  17. But it can be as an alarm that each other pieces mattered //
  18. Kindness acts as lifebuoy in a sea which sometime seems ~//
  19. ~bloody which sometime seems to be pulling all of us downward //
  20. Imagine a big bump comes your path which tells you to give up //
  21. Or it may be telling you to have trust to climb on it and jump //
  22. Kindness is a boomerang, more you give the more you own //
  23. Greatest you can do is not to just share your riches but reveal others their own //
  24. That lil kid after staring like months takes last look at the mountain //
  25. Then stands up and pulls out a shovel out his back pocket //
  26. He starts shifting it little by little, back and forth //
  27. Did this for months but moved the mountain and earned golden coins //
  28. Life is a mountain, we should not put off our shovels //
  29. And sometimes we can even help others to shovel //




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