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  3. growing up i was a shy kid, not popular and no confidence.
  4. didnt have much of a voice back then so i just kept everything in
  5. filled in the bottle, stuck in the bottom,
  6. locked and located in an empty space.
  7. i started to think maybe that was constructed in my DNA
  9. my introduction to dance and music is what started the change
  10. the way i perceived and approach this artform, helped me
  11. define and redefine each and every passing day.
  12. not knowing the component in the moment was
  13. frustration to a young kid,
  14. especially when doubts always take over his brain.
  16. but little did I know i was about to embrace a long race
  17. that would transform a hopeless romancer into the one you see today
  18. a dancer.
  20. Saved in my memory bank, i would never forget.
  21. When I saw hip hop dance for the very first time...
  22. it froze me stone cold, "got me thinking...."
  23. how can a individual take the music and
  24. control it like sympany....? and if i tried
  25. would it be possible for little o' me?
  26. so bold like a story that was just told
  27. watching dancers would never get old....
  29. how a dancer can take my mind, my attentions,
  30. manipulate beats and translate through unspoken language.
  31. and grasp my soul, and filled me with emotions
  32. that weren't the re before, that opened door....
  34. a feeling that feels real when it hits a place that
  35. and leave me there jaw open for a brief moment.
  36. Standing and staring in amazement,
  37. eyez stuck as my i couldn't help but admired their stage presence.
  39. I wanted to become a dancer and find out what it meant.
  40. I wanted to inspired people not t hrough moves but through movement.
  41. I wanted to combine grooves so my style can blend.
  42. I wanted to spin like the bboys whether it was on smooth floor OR cement.
  44. It's crazy how when you finally DECIDE and put your MIND to something you start to DEFY your own odds through EXCERCISE
  45. movement becomes beautiful and musicality becomes a reality.
  47. and before you know it, in all actuality, i already became
  48. the dancer i dreamted of. I just didn't noticed because the friendship, hardship, and adventure it took me on
  49. i took focus off....anything other than my passion....
  50. that is when i stopped questioning my conviction
  51. and the doubts that sound to sound and are soundless.
  53. My story started just as a small kid...lost, confused,
  54. What people saw as cockiness was actually confidence
  55. the ingredient of the recipe i needed just to compliment.
  56. I took the stage as a place I can create and make.
  57. Took your very two eyez and manipulate it sounds
  58. or beats, until the audience realize it's more than just a dream
  60. it's a lifestyle, it's a commitment, it's a family, it's a team.
  62. perspective as a dancer.
  63. to show it's not just a selection i chose
  64. it's a direction that paved the road.
  66. Now watch me work...

By Anonymous





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