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Lyrical Analysis of...

I Tells It In My Cave

  1. Have you ever felt all hurt and betrayed?
  2. I have through all the curves I turned In this way
  3. Away from the so called family a herd In display
  4. Who thought I was dumb and put my words In decay
  5. I'm a bat so I live Inside the Unheard In a cave
  6. Society Is toxic yet the worst In today
  7. Plus In the future here's a urging update
  8. Still jerking this weight as the Iron burden upgrades
  9. To be what people want me to be a person In a cage
  10. Metaphorically people are surgeons In a way
  11. Trying to mold a face to your version and say
  12. Hey! No peeking so you close your curtains and wait
  13. This Is what girls did like my ex Claire turning my tables
  14. I got so enraged I ended up burning my stable
  15. Now I'm single like number 1 the first to say
  16. I'm just Informing all my buds what I learnt with age




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