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hip hop best gym song

  1. Pork on the fork, white in the pot
  2. I will even take over hip hop
  3. Tha hip hop heights my types are flowin' but tha best
  4. Kill 'em all, o.f. is what i represent
  5. Man but this ain't no sign language
  6. Cause we talkin' hip hop bitch
  7. Lets talk about the cars y'all got
  8. Hip to the fucking hop
  9. I'm wale, the new nigga on the block
  10. Chorus: you didnt have to leave hip hop
  11. Sorry eminem, but i run hip hop
  12. I'm a fucking walking paradox, no i'm not
  15. Been running around trying find a job
  16. But i cant give up hip hop
  17. I will even take over hip hop
  18. By any means, if ya like it or not
  19. Physically i abuse hip hop, verbally,
  20. Look it something they can't ever see
  21. Inspired by hip hop that sounds so classic
  22. Like how the fuck did we miss this kid's shit
  23. I make her cum a lot
  24. "it's not hip hop, it's pop."
  25. When common dropped resurrection hip hop exploded
  26. The best journeyacres of land and swimming pools and all that
  27. I broke mama heart with no college
  28. Cause we talkin' hip hop bitch
  31. Sorry eminem, but i run hip hop
  32. Fuck you cop, you can nibble my cock
  33. So i took another shot
  34. I get my cake; i love hip hop
  35. Yep she's on x, i called that bitch speed burst
  36. Hip hop is my motherfuckin' world
  37. Physically i abuse hip hop, verbally,
  38. Must be something you want me to see
  39. Flip it for profit, flowin hip hop bitch
  40. I'm gon' make a pretty big sandwich
  41. Break tradition, this is hip hop
  42. Living if she is or not
  43. To be hip hop savior, the messiah
  44. P stand for pacqiauo nigga
  45. When common dropped resurrection hip hop exploded
  46. I probably would wear 'em but my dick don't fi




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