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Lyrical Analysis of...

Amazing Payback

  1. Fuck me? you wanna fuck me? dude don't fucking touch me
  2. Or try to even rub me, or try to nutter flood me
  3. Instead fuck yourself, and let your mother fuck me
  4. OH FUCK! It seems I forgot to get the rubber yup sheesh
  5. So I went to the condom store to get a condom
  6. But the condom store was lacking the bigger condoms
  7. That was a problem, these are like penis suppressors
  8. Now no condom, can fit me after penis professor
  9. Average Is 6 Inches I can't try this shit
  10. I grew a 5 Inches surpassing a 9 Inch dick
  11. A 7 Inch girth shit making these things worthless
  12. If the fucking condom breaks It wasn't on purpose
  13. It's because the hulking size was too much
  14. Passionate fucking so the urge was too tough
  15. I have a 10 Inch plus I'm banging a 10 plus
  16. My 10's hanging like a bat Web Fanging BUST! BUST!
  17. Oh sweet ecstasy, but now the moment Is gone
  18. I'm now In the moment of yawn your the moment of Spawn
  19. Opened up your mom and closed her not a moment of long
  20. I know you suck at dissing but your still open respond
  21. Cause you can't go beyond calling me a virgin
  22. Cause after what you witnessed your gonna be searching
  23. For other ways to Insult but your Insults have no flip
  24. Bet you couldn't tough It out with the commando's kid
  25. You talk shit but In combat run and have no grip
  26. You have no wit unequipped and you lack those clips
  27. That's a quick with to get shot to the exact no shit
  28. So there ain't no turning back from this Impact no shit
  29. Cause Web Fang Is top tier known to go and stop queers
  30. For acting cocky with no work to show for big not here
  31. Rapping Is nothing If you don't use It as an art
  32. Your fucking careers not ending It lacked a start
  33. Trying to be smart I outsmart you 10 times your bodyweight
  34. Put you on 350 degrees until your bodies baked
  35. Yo this shit taste disgusting It taste like garbage
  36. Like the crap you listen to lacking knowledge




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