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Lyrical Analysis of...

oh my!

  1. many legends are born ,but know a days kids are just watching and talking about porn
  2. or making mistakes which will leave them to be torn ,having creepy thoughts in the mind that maybe
  3. they wish they were blind ,because they are like any other kind
  4. watching trump saying good and bad stuff ,that is a big huff that will make us just spend more and puff
  5. and say dang son that is freaking enough
  6. countries all over the world saying we are not freaking tough, but lets bomb you so rough
  7. i am tried of this place it might soon be erased with ww3 ,that is nothing to joke about so do not he he
  8. soon we might be gone but i am telling you how i feel into a rap song
  9. feeling mighty like king Kong
  10. i am done choke on that son




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