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lighters # light it up

  1. yeah you ruined my dreams
  2. no wonder I here them screams in those dreams
  3. but when you wake up to life it seems
  4. it is a horror movie when you walk through the streets
  5. all I see is beasts but there not they are people
  6. that are just doing evil and dont know it
  7. No one that's breathin' is seen as not equal
  8. when drugs and drinking is illegal
  9. they take it out on people,when things should be peaceful
  10. This is the root of all evil
  11. put your lighters up
  12. and your message will be seen by all
  13. life is like a waterfall
  14. your life keeps going on when that something falls
  15. and then love calls,it goes out of your brain and hits the walls
  16. thats how life feels,like it's going to take off from the airport
  17. and destroy your world
  18. then you wake up and your unheard
  19. by all those people it is obsired
  20. to be angry with them
  21. well your in the army you keep get shot over and over again
  22. and these people died as gunmen
  23. fighting for there country
  24. hopefully teens in mess sholud follow them
  26. Now look up to the sky and think how lucky you are
  27. to be here,even luck colud be a star
  28. now reach for it it aint that far
  29. to reach your dreams
  30. all you need is to believe




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