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  1. man im fed up with all this shit so im stickin up this middle flip!
  2. yo the law is so crooked they just right tickets in there booklet
  3. for shit we didnt even do and then if we try to defend it they shoot bullets
  4. it just so foolish are society is fucked all they care about is sobrity
  5. and if we dont comply they hit with advisery and so i tell em now
  6. who are you to tell me what i need and what i dont need? its cause of
  7. you i cant be happy and keep my subrity! and thats not even the
  8. trioligy is where im tryin to go with this is that your just another human
  9. bieng how is it that you can be higher than me?
  10. its not right and there nothin i can do but sit here and wright its not like
  11. im plannin a hiest i just wanna go night night with a since that im not
  12. bien patrolled i get scared that ill be aproached by you with another
  13. drug test for somethin that just makes me do right and feel like im
  14. a prize but no you gotta make me feel like ive just been stabbed with
  15. a knife so now i gotta get on this mic and get this shit out of my mind
  16. so that i dont feel like im about to die cause all you pigs do is lie!
  17. ive been on this shit for like 2 year i was supossed to get off near to
  18. last year fuck!




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