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Lyrical Analysis of...

Jam Warrior

  1. Scrubbers everywhere, living in this shit hole is a nightmare,
  2. people glare and stare at you with the intentions to rob you for there own greed to
  3. fulfill there own need, people begin to breed at full speed to claim a house with there spouse
  4. on the jam role claiming the doal, drug dealers on speed dial,
  5. all they need to do is hit the redial list
  6. And some scrubber will appear from the mist, probably stinks like piss,
  7. trousers full of dry jizz, umbro shirt all covered in dirt,
  8. Burberry cap with a pointy peak thinking there sleak, this area is weak,
  9. it's all cheap, people walking round with a leak from there piss bag driving a shitty Jag on
  10. the brag with there cheap skank slag, pussy like a wizards sleeve,
  11. you'd receive more pleasure sticking your dick out in the wind and catching a breeze,
  12. this area stinks refreshen it with this febreeze.




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