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  1. What's happened with this, conscience of mine? I can perceive, yet I'm numb with compassion indifferent
  2. Has it vanished? Or shifted and expanded with malignance? [Dark energy](Dark Energy is what astronomers say what keeps the Universe growing), maybe I am it's dominion?
  3. I can't quite put my finger on it; ["You're out of touch."] Well, I assume my family isn't
  4. ['Cause they push my buttons]...
  5. To [appall, oh!](Apollo, the rocket that took Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and others to the moon) I've blasted off to oblivion
  6. Needed some space like a NASA mission, but now I'm in an absence... [Gone missin'.](I isolate)
  7. Couldn't handle the reaction of sitches being of a portrait in unbalanced dimensions
  8. Hazardous environment with haphazard discipline and put [downs] in [up]heaval via rash decisions
  9. This state of affairs then makes a transition onto my canvas, it's vivid, pitch black with a tint of
  10. [Feelin' the blues.] "Who the fuck is playing those jazz instruments!?" ...
  11. Yeah life's a nasty bitch but I ain't bitchin', put yourself in my shoes and stand in my position;
  12. Paranoid and anxious as all hell, can't help but act suspicious
  13. Whilst walkin' on [prematurely hatched chickens](Eggshells), getting [henpecked.]
  14. I'm [not in good feathers](To be IN good feathers is to be happy), [am I for the birds?](Worthless) It's like I'm trapped and pinned in
  15. Said they'd take me under their damn wings and help me [branch out] but I'm [stick in]
  16. [The mud]; an impractically optimistic and stagnant pessimistic, wacko symptoms, is it Aspie syndrome?
  17. No blame, if you look at my past and think an outrageous circumstance to live in
  18. Could impact my subsistence today then you'd imagine this was predicted
  19. As if it were [on the cards](Idiom. Meaning likely to happen) to [dwell and play solitaire with no hand given]
  20. To have thoughts that this is my [fruition of melancholy](Wordplay. Fruit ion. Melon choly.)
  21. And although people do reach out, ask me "How is it, goin'?"
  22. I'm [all thumbs](Idiom. Meaning awkward) seeping thru the [crack of they' finga's]
  23. Stammerin' and whisperin', can't you see you're beating a dead horse?
  24. So please, [don't hold your breath... I can hold my own](Double entendre) "In no [pants](" I can hold my own" means I can do this on my own, 'pants' like I won't pant/be out or breath.)" Eh, I know I'm limbless...
  25. Still [stumped] in life, [no leg to stand on] it's like I'm staggerin' limpin'
  26. I mean shit, we all need something to [lean on]...
  27. So I grabbed a pen and, made it my [crutch] to potentially get a [leg up] on battling you bitches
  28. I essentially just hit [a rough patch, I'm a nitwit](A rough patch I'm gonna knit with.)
  29. Sorry if I get [choked up] I just lasso'd my self a necklace
  30. They say "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," so here I am with the needle threaded
  31. [At the end of my rope] contemplating whether I should cancel my existence.
  32. Don't believe me? Why would I [fabricate](Lie.)? I don't think I'm [cut out for this]
  33. The demons whisper I'm trash and insignificant but fuck that
  34. I say ["Cut me some slack I'm twisted,"] "C'mon adversity, [scrap me](" Demons whisper I'm trash" scrap means to throw away, or fight.), I'm persistent."
  35. I've already fought with every [fiber] of my being and adapted from affliction
  36. This is only a [sample of my predicament](Sample. Predicament. Like, I'm in a pickle...)... So [relish] in it, it gives me satisfaction and fulfillment, to keep goin'
  37. I've evolved exalted with ultimate and immaculate diction
  38. I guess I'm not impractically optimistic after all
  39. Look on the bright side I've also mastered intuition
  40. I'll keep fighting this depression and get back up and outlast it's wistfulness, challenge antagonistic bullshit
  41. Then write something dope, in a way, I guess you could say it's masochistic
  42. Because art and pain counteract in coexistence.




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