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Paradise Is You [Cypher Sub]

  1. [Verse 1]
  3. We lived without looking for each other/
  4. Even so, knowing we lived to find one another/Skeptic about love at first sight, but I cared for you after one night/
  5. I never said it but I knew you knew that I knew that you wanted/
  7. Stars I used as trampolines/
  8. A tiger I dressed as a kitten/
  9. Jumped, in which I left myself fall until I landed on a river of tranquility/
  10. And the sounds sounded like the singing of an angel, the ones that reside in heaven/
  11. Not as if i've been there, now I have, with her/Nothing sounds as good as her here/
  13. I felt your fire caress my soul/
  14. Smiles grew on my face/
  15. I had wings to traverse the clouds/
  16. Smelled so good that even a flower wanted my perfume/
  17. I grew, planets I could now take in my the palm of my hands/
  18. I played with them as if I was playing marbles, on a second plane, of course/
  19. In short instances I become diminutive so I could fly and fly over a hummingbird/
  20. Yes, nature was singing ballads or maybe a smooth Jazz, maybe peace/
  21. Maybe something more/
  22. I habit the ocean, I could stop time, accelerate it and repeat with a simple movement/
  23. Maybe something more/
  24. I could could meet my end and be born again/
  25. For wherever I went, would not be as good as this Paradise/
  26. It was so perfect, almost as if it were a book/
  27. I could even create a flaw, incase perfection scared me/
  28. The fact is that for an instant I regained my senses/
  29. I was not dreaming/
  30. I was making love to you/
  32. [Chorus]
  34. It was fulfillment what I felt, being inside of you/
  35. Dancing in your body's interior/
  36. Something so simple as I go in you, you go on me/
  37. Heartbeat synced/
  38. Like two pieces that fit in perfectly /
  39. Even if there's over seven billion of other humans, you and me are from another species that mostly died out ages ago/
  40. Only a woman and her compliment reside/
  41. That's why it's so natural to want to love one another/
  43. [Verse 2]
  45. And my lips climb your ridges/
  46. Together more than the supercontinent Pangea/
  47. You accelerate my myocardial/
  48. When the waves that micmic your hips, bursting against my abdomen/
  49. Smothering me with your river broth/
  50. I kissed your feet so I could be in your footprints/
  51. My tongue brushed your legs and between them/
  52. And like a lawyer, you fought for the right to choose in what position to look at the stars/
  53. You could laugh, sweat, moan and talk, explain to me why it looks like you're going to cry/
  54. And I touching you, like if I was stretching in the morning/
  55. And make noises of pleasure while doing nothing on the bed/
  56. So many leftover words, I should be quiet now, and go make love to you slowly, to the rhythm of our heartbeats/
  57. What is for you, made for you, written you, sung to you and any other pronoun that says it's yours/
  58. If you could see yourself throughout my eyes and felt in my body what you inspire me/
  59. You'd look at yourself with thirst, hug yourself you'd want to/
  60. That is the way these eyes look at you/
  61. I landed on clouds/
  62. It was your dreams what I used as pillows/
  63. Before this ends, I forgot to tell you, I loved making love to you/
  65. [Chorus]
  67. It was fulfillment what I felt, being inside of you/
  68. Dancing in your body's interior/
  69. Something so simple as I go in you, you go on me/
  70. Heartbeat synced/
  71. Like two pieces that fit in perfectly /
  72. Even if there's over seven billion of other humans, you and me are from another species that mostly died out ages ago/
  73. Only a woman and her compliment reside/
  74. That's why it's so natural to want to love one another/
  75. We both know when we'll see each other next.../




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