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Lyrical Analysis of...

Born and Raised

  1. Babe,
  2. I ain't playing no games
  3. This is the rap of how
  4. My life was upside down, turned down
  5. Austin, Texas born and raised
  6. On the court where I spent most of my days
  7. Chilling and balling
  8. Ya'll think that's all my rhymes?
  9. I made a couple crimes
  10. People call me Kor Kor for short
  11. We going to that new port
  12. Texas, Texas, Texas
  13. I got into shape
  14. That's why I skate
  15. Nah bro, I'm a pro
  16. I'll show you
  17. First class yo this is bad,
  18. Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
  19. Is this what the people of Austin like?
  20. Hmm this might be alright
  21. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the
  22. License plate said 'Fresh' and had a dice in the mirror
  23. If anything I could say that this cab was right
  24. But I thought now forget it, yo home in Texas
  25. I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
  26. And I yelled to the cabby 'Yo, home smell you later'
  27. Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
  28. To my throne
  29. I'm all grown




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