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Lyrical Analysis of...

@GenXjeezy @Jamal-Kacey-Ken

  1. preach brother
  2. preach. amen
  3. lmao
  4. T T see this is why I refuse to friendly Battle this mf right here
  5. he just wrote a full essay pressing this dude non stop he's on the top for a reason
  6. so I'll speak on his words too
  7. It's in your best interest you do apologize now threatening to ruin your reputation
  8. I can't speak on that only been here for only a little over a week but seeing everything I have seen from him my crew I'm part of with him
  9. he is NOT lying
  10. and also I say this too you better fucking apologize to his daughter or aka unknownfemale rapper that is his daghter to him and she is a FRIEND to me
  11. and my crew too
  12. i pressed you once on my other post i'll press you again
  13. Fuck off. and apologize
  14. And don't only apologize pubilcy to unkownfemalerapper
  15. apolgize to EVERYONE you spoke bad on




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