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@GenXjeezy @Jamal-Kacey-Ken
- preach brother
- preach. amen
- lmao
- T T see this is why I refuse to friendly Battle this mf right here
- he just wrote a full essay pressing this dude non stop he's on the top for a reason
- so I'll speak on his words too
- It's in your best interest you do apologize now threatening to ruin your reputation
- I can't speak on that only been here for only a little over a week but seeing everything I have seen from him my crew I'm part of with him
- he is NOT lying
- and also I say this too you better fucking apologize to his daughter or aka unknownfemale rapper that is his daghter to him and she is a FRIEND to me
- and my crew too
- i pressed you once on my other post i'll press you again
- Fuck off. and apologize
- And don't only apologize pubilcy to unkownfemalerapper
- apolgize to EVERYONE you spoke bad on
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A blueprint is like a report card for your lyrics. It contains a lyrical breakdown and analysis of all the words, syllables, and rhymes in your song.
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