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  1. [glitch noises sound clip]( .)
  2. [Grapple hook sound clip]( .)
  3. [Glitch noises sound clip]( .)
  4. [Grapple hook sound clip]( .)
  6. "Oh no not these block things again..."
  7. "Run all the way down here.."
  8. "Jump over about 25 blocks.."
  9. *Climb all the way up here.."
  10. "Zip wire down this way.."
  11. "Mayn i hate this bull s**t!!"
  12. "It's so f****n' borin'!"
  13. "Another 60 blocks.."
  14. "Move these objects then climb again..*
  15. "What the fuck?, finally just 1 more grapple hook!!"
  17. [glitch noises sound clip]( .)
  18. [Grapple hook sound clip]( .)
  19. [Glitch noises sound clip]( .)
  20. [Large noisy explosion sound clip]( .)
  22. "Wait, what's that noise?!
  23. "Is that who i think it is?!"
  24. "Some dumb space robot with 4 arms.."
  25. "Wait no, he's only got 2 arms..."
  26. "Them 4 light sabres seem to be floating..",
  27. "Those jedi mind powers..",
  28. "No matter, i should take him down!!*
  29. "It wasn't easy breakin' into this ship.."
  30. "But what the f**k, who gives a banana with a bandana..??"
  31. "He's coming through the door, ok let's f****n' end this s**t!!"
  32. [Light sabre power on noise sound clip]( .)
  35. "Wait, why so many light sabres..?!"
  36. "Are you scared to face me?, you're a coward!!"
  37. [Loads of light sabres attacking noises sound clip]( .)
  38. "Not good enough, i can block all of these all day!!"
  39. [Loads of light sabres attacking noises sound clip]( .)
  40. "You're no match for me, just give it up weakling!!"
  41. [Star wars powerful force push sound clip]( .)
  42. "Ok you got me, lucky shot mother f****r!!"
  43. "C'mon face me, we end this now b***h!!"
  44. [Star wars powerful force push sound clip]( .)
  45. "You missed me, you gotta work on target practice!!"
  46. "Barely a scratch, you're gon' fall eventually!!"
  47. "Mayn what the f**k?!, just hurry up &f****n' die homie..!!"
  48. [Loads of light sabres attacking noises sound clip]( .)
  50. "Yeah that's it, just a little more..!!"
  51. "I've almost got you, you're running out of light sabres!!"
  52. "Hahaha uh yeah, now what you gon' do?!"
  53. "You ain't gon' stop the death of darth vader!!"
  54. [Star wars killing general grievous sound clip]( .)
  55. "See what i mean?, you all die sooner or later..!!"
  56. "You ain't on my level, I'm gonna slay the mother f****n' devil!"
  57. "Right now it's over z i must find darth vader..!!"
  58. "If it's the last thing i do, gon' be me mother f****n' killin' you!!"
  59. "You didn't really last long, couldn't even make my 2nd song"
  60. "It's time to carry on as normal, I'll murder this mother f****r!!"




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