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Lyrical Analysis of...

WASTEN time beat by xosully BEATS

  2. im done with all theses
  3. im sorrys /let me show you/ im gonna make it righ
  4. t thiz time its different
  5. are now just all words blurred
  6. hard to hear em out my mouth BUT BABYjust let me say
  8. i r3eally hope i didnt waste your time/
  9. as i sit in the middsle of the fire i see the pain through
  10. the flames ijn your eyes i
  11. im praying i didnt push you awAY
  12. TOO FAR this timeeeeee i really hope
  13. i dint waste4
  15. ==========================================
  16. these past 20 years have been the best the worst \zwith
  17. the firsts the lAST THE LAUGHs all the tears from
  18. years of pain and hurt
  19. draggin you with as i fell face firsty in the dirt
  20. i really hope i didnt WASTE your time
  21. you have always been my main 1
  22. my ride or die since day 1
  23. you have always been right there hands in the air
  24. rollercoaster of emotions
  25. i hoping
  27. i didnt push you away to far this time i
  28. can see the destruction its chaOS every were that i turn even in
  29. these mirrors is the vision of all the decsicions i have made I WANNA BURN
  30. It all down whatch as it turns to ashes to ashes as it makes dust
  31. praying that the wind picks up and blows it all away
  33. the disfunction the mayhem,
  34. like a cemant path paved AND NOW with a tooth pick im trying to brake
  35. it allk away
  36. &REALLY hoppe thaT I DIDNT push you away to far =this time
  38. fthis house brings so many thoughts of ugly to the poiint i can nonot function
  39. every single inch of it has a reminder of how i done lewt you down how
  40. i made you cry
  41. leaving my housseb open wide
  42. while i was right oustide gettin high




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