Battles  mi_payasita_55 vs 40KA


short raps + no cursing ! meant to be more funny than truly damaging

Max of 20 lines


This battle ended in a tie.


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  • I’ve seen goldfish and broke banks with more sense than you,
  • I’ve seen sewers smell better than your foul attitude,
  • Your reputation’s in more danger than the coral reef,
  • Your logic more shaky than the last fall leaf-
  • I’ve seen grown men take showers that’re hotter than you,
  • I’ve seen dumpsters that gift me with me with a much better view,
  • I’ve seen automated toasters with more natural faces,
  • I’ve seen whole global meetings claim to be less races


  • Questioning my sense, are you that dense?
  • No goldfish would try put up with your nonsense -
  • let alone try put in a claim for recompense,
  • no offense, but your "rhymes" are all just childish couplets.
  • How can you see smell?
  • First time I'm hearing of a synaesthesian bell
  • end times got you tweaking cause my logic's infallible,
  • We ain't deciduous trees, we're in a forest of evergreens.
  • Now this second verse; may I suggest a thesaurus -
  • cause what on earth are these rhymes and
  • what the hell is your point?
  • Of course, there ain't no point
  • all you do is hit up fast food joints
  • for those final McDonalds points
  • and you're obtuse intellectually,
  • maintaining your chastity,
  • rackity, yappity,
  • back-packity,
  • too wide two-dimensionally.
  • All's in jest. Don't take this seriously - keep it up.

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...