Battles  kingofrap223333 awaiting a challenger...


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Max of 21 lines


Anonymous won this battle!


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Attached media not accessible.

The owner took it down or changed the settings to private.

  • The other night
  • While I was uh researchin' what were goin' to be discussin' today
  • I came across a passage in a book that um
  • I think it uh really simplifies
  • What the human administrative is talkin' about
  • And I learned that all things must come to an end
  • It is an inevitable part of the cycle of resistance
  • All things must conclude
  • Take the analogy of a tree that grows in Brooklyn
  • Among the steel and the concrete
  • With all its glorious branches and leaves
  • One day it too will pass on its legacy
  • Through the seeds it dropped to the ground
  • And as the wind carries these seeds throughout wherever they might move
  • A new life will begin for each one of them
  • As they stand as a monument to the one that came before
  • That came before that came before
  • That came before that came before
  • is it
  • is it
  • yeah you done know.

Still waiting for to respond.

Make sure you let know you challenged them. A defender reserves the right to delete a battle directed at them.

Cookin' something up, just wait a sec...