Battles  Mericat vs Meriperry


No rules!

Max of 63 lines


Meriperry won this battle!


  • Meriperry ARE YOU EVEN SURE WHaT YOuR tALKInG About said I called your real life content trash well actually YOUR IN THE TRASH but you said waht ABoUT the flash
  • But you said I just join yeah that may be true BUT I STILL GOt MORe VIEWS THAN YOU said I have to accommodate to get fans? Well that's compleaty WRONG so your grade f- so good luck because your going BACk TO kindergarten
  • Your
  • Not serious enough SO YOU ARE tHE LMAO BAIIIIIII


  • Mericat you sure what your talking bout calling my real life content trash like what you know about my fox got more views than your whole account wow
  • You act like a model when you just joined here IM THE SAVAGE oF THE STAGE WHY dONt yOU GET OUT OF HERE accommodate all you need but you ain’t getting nobody on yo side because I have all the pride
  • In the world showdown #2 YOUR GOING DOWN RIGHT NOW RIGHT AWAY showdown #1 you may just win but this will be the lesson you will NEVER FORGET
  • DONT MESS WITH THE PERRY AND YOU WONT FORGET yea I don’t think you will be forgetting that so soon yea you won’t well BAI LMAO

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