This is a song about "From the beginning"

Now look in the beginning i was a kid with no hope

Smoke that mark mcgwire strong, oakland a no basic smoke

Since the beginning of time

My reign lulu's son shine

Why you lil niggas still swinging? got virgin tight flows yall still swinging

And instead get it from hearing the song from the beginning

Waiting til the beginning of the month for the check

You smell the ounce, i ain't even in ya house yet

And every woman looking at you knew that you was lucky

This is just the beginning, stay tuned for the trilogy.

I take em out their misery, make it harder to breathe

And build the beginning of better brains with a bit of belief.

It was you from the beginning,

Hit it til your make up missing

We're right back where we were from the fucking beginning.

Only thing omitted is a baby or a wedding ring