This is a song about "Bridge"

Cause every bridge they'ed ever built, she just burnt em down

Then you put fertilizer, lyin, spread the shit around

The sirens are gone, shit, i just stand and i look at the bridge...

In the three bear house eating their mothafuckin' porridge

Odd future wolf gang like they're filmin' twilight in this bitch

Last night a couple of lovers tossed each other of a bridge

And that little nigga nigga, thinks its okay

Arrive at the bridge drop you off saying "have a good day"

Body holy water blessed, i'm feeling the stress

Clean ya own mess, then cross the bridge as we progress

I ripped him up and buried his torso under a bridge

Double s shit, swastikas on the letterman, bitch

And knock billiards out of your business, ya bitch

It's mostly white people, the homeless under the bridge,

And ain't it shameful, how niggas blame hoes for givin' birth

Kismet hadn't finished its trip, one relinquished his bridge to the gutters