• Written by DerrickMadsen101
I just broke up with my girl,
now it like life is a joke, [ well damn ]
the murder i wrote,
I well never date a ghost in my dreams,
now when i see you i scream,
Their is so many thing i could have provoke,
I did not mean to promote i just follow the gunsmoke,
now, i reload, it like a payload,
so many thing you lied about get out of my boat,
it feels like a overdose, but leave me on my own,
when i met you where like gold,
and the boat steam to float,
now i am starting to choke on this rap,
i had a jop but, i don't mean to be mean on purpose,
i prosime i mother taught me better than that i will be honest,
but it been month sense i felt at home but okay,
psych i am still sad as bitch right,
now i am in this mode where i cannot reverse it,
can we please rehearse it