
• Written by  • Featuring 

I don't think you know who I am so please allow me to introduce
myself. I'm "The Big Muthafuckin' Dog" WOOF WOOF motherfucker.
I am the leader of a group of 27 diss/battle rappers called The X Factor.
Besides the loyal members of my group I also have A LOT of friends
and associates on this site who are loyal to me and willing to do all
kinds of favors for me. Now, yesterday you foolishly decided to diss
WealthMasta, Godlik3, KO-Doomzday, SHD, unknownfemalerapper
and Tewsly. 4 of those people are members of my group and I'm
friendly with the other 2. Any one of them could single handedly
whoop your ass in a battle or diss war. WealthMasta, Godlik3 and
Tewsly are some of THE BEST dissers and battlers on this whole
site. However, my biggest problem with you is that you dissed and
made up a bunch of shit about unknownfemalerapper. That's my
daughter you fucking loser. So this is what's going to happen, YOU
are going to publicly apologize to her and take back all the bullshit
you said about her or you're going to have to deal with me, my group
and all my friends obliterating your ass until you do apologize. Now
before you decide to get smart with me and say something dumb
I suggest you go to my profile and look at my battles and my album
titled, "disses". Trust me you don't want any problems with this ok.
I will make you lose every battle you're ever in, I will destroy your
ratings from now to the end of time and I will embarrass the fuck
out of you with my disses constantly. If you think I don't have the
power to do all that then you better fucking ask somebody because
everyone on this site knows I do and I can and I definitely will. I can
make the very best rappers on this site lose battles to a fucking blank
rap if I want to. You've been on this site for 6 years and have a reputation
of 151, 24 followers and 2345 profile views. You're a pathetic nobody.
I've been on this site for 11 months and I have a reputation of 8830,
124 followers and 7856 profile views. The difference between us
couldn't be more clear. Also, unlike you, I can actually rap. I promise
you that you don't want me as an enemy. Do the smart and right thing
and apologize to my daughter or reap the consequences. The choice
is yours. I am capable of totally ruining you on this site. Don't make
me do it.

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